Project of the pharmaceutical company "Astrafarm".
Target audience: Owners of non-neutered cats aged 2 to 8 years.
Research topic: Study of the effectiveness of contraceptive drugs.
Sample: 43 cat owners.

Organization of respondents, compliance with all conditions for participation in the study.
One criterion is that cats should not be sterilized
Difficulty finding respondents willing to travel with the animal to the research in the clinic (respondents distrustfulness).
Contraceptive use/non-use quotas and their brands.
Age restrictions for animals.
Recruitment methodology: The respondents had to bring their cat to the clinic for a full examination, the cat must meet all the initial criteria. In the clinic, it was necessary to undergo a full examination with the animal and take the animal home, in 10 days to get the result. For recruiting, we used our own base of respondents and respondents who participated in projects with similar topics (for example, animal feed), snowball and paid recommendation, animal forums. The big difficulty was the respondents' distrust and fear that something could be done with their pet. Our managers and operators managed to convince the respondents that their animals will be all right and their animal will be examined in the existing clinic, as well as they will receive the results of the examination free of charge and will make a great contribution by participating in this study. After instructing, our agency at all stages of the project completely "guided" the respondents and monitored the implementation of instructions. As a result, the project was completed on time and with good results. After the completed project, the client began to deal with similar projects more often.
Full description of the sample: 1. All cats must not be sterilized.
2. Cats are divided into 2 groups: a) the first group - using the contraceptive drug Sex Barrier (preferably not once, but regularly - from 1 year of use to interrupt sexual arousal or to delay the onset of sexual arousal (estrus). Owners of these cats should not use any other hormonal contraceptive drug other than Gestrenol, ContraSex Neo. It is allowed to use sedatives on a natural basis during the sexual hunt. The experiment does not use animals that used the contraceptive drugs Ex-5, SexControl, Stop- Intim, Pillcan, Covinan, Four with a tail. b) the second group - those who never use contraceptive hormonal drugs in their lives. It is allowed to use sedatives on a natural basis during the sexual hunt. 3. The age of the animals is from 2 to 8 years. It is preferable that the proportional ratio of the ages of the cats in the 2 groups was approximately the same.