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Making Notes
Рекрутинг респондентов



Kaspersky Lab
Gratitude for cooperation

“Kaspersky Lab” JSC international users research department thanks ADS Agency for qualitative service of searching respondents for our usability-testing.

We are absolutely satisfied with provided services quality. In spite of research demanding respondents particularity, ADS agency employees professionally and opportunely performed their work.

I note agency’s quick reaction on our inquiry and their ability to begin the work. Our company will continue cooperation and we’ll always recommend ADS as a reliable recruiting agency.

International users research department head

Ekaterina Pronina

“Kspersky Lab” JSC


Kaspersky Lab

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Letter of gratitude

“Michelin” Llc. thanks ADS recruiting agency tremendously for its professionalism, keeping the time and qualitative respondents recruiting. It helped us to carry out a planned marketing research.

We plan our further cooperation with ADS, because we appreciate professionalism and ability of executing more than agreement terms demand.

We recommend ADS agency service to all our business partners and other companies.

We wish you prosperity and professional success.

Passenger car tires marketing Director.

Dmitryi Molokanov.



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Dear Ilona Rusievna!

We express you gratitude for provided service in the field of respondents searching.

We executed usability – testing for “Otto Group Russia” internet-stores and ADS Company quickly reacted our inquiries according to our demands, all the respondents arrived on time.

We thank you for effective work and your goodwill.

We plan further cooperation with ADS company.

"eSolutions" Llc.

Client manager.

Suleimanova K.R.



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B2B Research
Dear Ilona Rusievna!

"B2B Research" Llc. team thanks ADS Agency for professional service in the field of respondents recruiting.

We may characterize ADS Agency as a reliable business partner who answers its obligations and who has qualified specialists in the field of respondents selection and recruiting. ADS Agency always performs tasks of different levels respondents recruiting.

Professionalism and enthusiasm make our work not only useful but pleasant.

We express a huge gratitude and hope for further cooperation.

Respectfully yours, Lyubarskaya A.V.

Client Director.


B2B Research

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RADAR research company
Dear Ilona Rusievna!

"RADAR research company" Llc. expresses gratitude to you and your team for respondents recruiting services.

Our cooperation with ADS Agency left only positive impressions. The company successfully achieved all the aims. Obligations were completely executed. We hope for further cooperation and recommend ADS as a reliable partner in the field of respondents recruiting for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.

Anna Maslyannaya
Field office Head
RADAR research company
105082, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Pochtovaya st., 55/59
Tel: +7 | 495 | 9896247
Mob: +7 | 916 | 5369911


RADAR research company

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Рекрут респондентов


Рекрутинг респондентов

You can contact us in any way convenient for you: by writing an email , calling us , filling out the request form for recruiting respondents, sending a request to the messenger .

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All rights reserved. Full or partial copying of materials is prohibited, with the agreed use of materials, a link to the resource is required.

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