Specializes in recruiting respondents in Russia sinse 2013
ADS-creating a connection from client to consumer
Cases ADS with a market leader go
NEW news 09/02/2021. An interview with Kaspersky Lab the most important thing about recruiting
We will help you in recruiting for your project. We have significant experience in finding and recruiting experts
ADS - specialized in recruiting respondents since 2013, a pioneer in respondent recruiting.
ADS - specialized in recruiting respondents since 2013, a pioneer in respondent recruiting.
Education and management experience served as a solid basis for the implementation of plans in my current field of activity.
I have been recruiting respondents for over 12 years, became the best recruiter, completed about 30 projects at the same time due to work automation, later I realized that the selection of Respondents is my mission, and I founded the First Agency for Recruiting Respondents ADS in 2013. ADS-Loireate of the Guild of Marketers in the nomination of the best marketing project, the creation of a highly specialized recruiting agency.
ADS is very sensitive to the selection of Respondents, I try to keep abreast of all current tasks, I write articles on the topic of recruiting, we regularly share case studies on the selection of respondents.
My functionality in ADS includes optimization of business processes, I regularly introduce innovations and adapt the agency to them. About my way and the way of ADS Agency you can read or listen to the audiobook, «Первая книга о рекрутинге респондентов. Опыт ADS. История создания ниши».
Our main goal is to recruit respondents as efficiently as possible, so I almost always evaluate the selection request myself or together with our head of the recruiting department Tavitskaya Elena, who stood at the origins of the Agency's development, together we have the opportunity to offer you the best solution for your business to grow and develop, because if you prosper we will do it together with you!

Metodieva Ilona
Laureate of the Guild of Marketers, in the nomination for the best marketing project creation of a highly specialized recruiting agency ADS

ADS - Laureate of the Guild of Marketers in the nomination for the best marketing project creating a highly specialized recruiting agency.
Our mission is to help companies reach new heights in the market. When you get out of a crisis or capture a new segment, rely on us and we will help you by providing you with quality respondents. As a result, the data that you receive during the research can be applied without fear of further reputation in the market.

Own base of respondents
+ Own base of respondents
+ Free replacements of respondents
Individual support at the launch of the study from the head of ADS, consulting at the launch of the project for the successful implementation of the study. Recruitment is used as a snowball, in shopping malls, social networks and crowded places + updated own database of respondents 54 thousand people. premium segment, market experts, consumers of consumer goods. Free replacement on demand.

Qualitative selection
"The selection of respondents according to a verified recruiting Algorithm, which includes 32 points for successful recruitment, for more information in the First book about recruiting respondents, the history of creating a niche, the experience of ADS
Your project is supervised by the head of the Agency together with the head of the recruiting department, who was at the origins of the creation of ADS. Interview with Elena Tavitskaya.
+ Support of the head of ADS and head of recruiting

Author's methods of searching for respondents
+ Author's methods of searching for respondents from pioneers in the selection of respondents
In case of conflicting situations, ADS has the ability to provide a record of the respondent's screening. ADS is the author's methods of finding respondents + Automated processes in the work. ADS uses its own big data processing scripts

Own staff
Own staff. The training takes place on its own from scratch. The recruitment of respondents is carried out without the involvement of third-party partners / recruiters, so you do not work with intermediaries and get a high-quality selection and successful implementation of the project.
Video feedback from our partners

ADS-specializes in recruiting respondents since 2013,a pioneer in the field of recruiting respondents.
The ads Agency's mission. Simplify the recruitment system and make this process more efficient and high-quality for market researchers.
We help companies achieve more in their business by providing the most important resource for research - quality respondents. Why Recruiting Respondents is Such a Time-Consuming Process?
Bots and living people. How not to get inaccurate data for an online survey at the output?
ADS does not use the services of third-party recruiters/partners. The Agency has its own staff and its own database of respondents + a verified algorithm for recruiting, so You get accurate data.
You can see the project status and the submission of applications from respondents in real time example
Recruitment methodology: recruiting respondents based on their own database:54 thousand people, recruit respondents using the "snowball" method, pre-recruit respondents in shopping centers and crowded areas, recruiting via a mobile app, using professional social networks.

How do you find respondents?We have our own database of 54 thousand respondents, collected over 10 years using various methods: street recruitment and in the shopping center, social. nets, snowball. The database is constantly updated with the above methods. We recruit on the base, with a snowball, as well as with the help of social media. networks and mobile applications.
How quickly can you match respondents?In most cases, recruiting consumers of FMCG and services will be 1 working day in terms of time, while target audience is hard to reach (experts, high-income audience, etc.) - 2 working days for recruiting the first respondents.
How do you find respondents?We have our own database of 54 thousand respondents, collected over 10 years using various methods: street recruitment and in the shopping center, social. nets, snowball. The database is constantly updated with the above methods. We recruit on the base, with a snowball, as well as with the help of social media. networks and mobile applications.
How do you check if the respondent meets the criteria? Is there a screening questionnaire, how do you make up the questions? Is there voice communication over the phone? Do you ask for photos / documents confirming certain characteristics?"We screen respondents thoroughly, each respondent undergoes double screening, including telephone screening, which includes additional questions regarding the use of the product. We make audio recordings during the screening. Also, any confirmation of the use of the product (documents / photos / screenshots) is requested from the respondents, in order to exclude the possibility of downloading photos from the Internet or Photoshop, we ask you to perform certain actions, for example, take a screenshot on a computer with a certain open tab or send a photo of a medicine and put a piece of paper next to it with the text "for poll". The screening questionnaire is usually sent by the client, but if it is not there, then we draw up it ourselves based on the criteria and send it to the client for approval.
Are you recruiting respondents in the regions?We mainly specialize in the recruiting of respondents in Moscow and the Moscow region, we partially carry out recruiting in St. Petersburg and the region. At the moment, we are independently actively developing the recruiting direction in the regions, without involving partners, as this carries additional risks in terms of quality. In the regions we recruit consumers of consumer goods, online surveys. One of the last completed projects in the regions were loan users for the last 6 months. (6 people) and those who listen to music on various resources (Yandex.Music, Spotify, VK music, Apple music, SberZvuk, (5 people).
How do you control the arrival of respondents?We monitor respondents the day before the study in the evening and also 3 hours before the study. Under the control, we carry out re-screening of respondents and make an audio recording of the screening.
What happens if the respondent does not come to the survey or at the beginning of the interview it turns out that the respondent is not suitable?In this case, we will replace the respondent free of charge at a date and time convenient for you. If possible, if the project is not complicated, we can carry out a replacement on the day of participation. We do not double the margin to optimize your budget. If reserve respondents were taken into account and appointed in advance, then we do not charge for the "canceled" respondent, but confirm the participation of the respondent from the reserve.
How do you organize remote participation of respondents, for example, in a remote interview on ZOOM?"The client creates a conference in advance and sends us links to each respondent, we, in turn, send these links to respondents. When recruiting respondents for remote research, we ask the respondents in advance whether they have a technical opportunity to participate (the necessary device for connection, camera, microphone, etc.), and also inform about the need for a stable Internet connection and a quiet place. Further, on the day of participation, 2 hours before the study, we independently contact the respondent in the same program in which the study will take place and check the Internet speed (using a special program), the operation of the camera, microphone, the ability to turn on the screen sharing, we screen the respondent .. During the connection check, we take a screenshot and make an audio recording of the screening. If you wish, we can record a video during the check of the respondent and ask the respondent to briefly tell about himself, his hobbies, and also ask to demonstrate the presence of the product necessary for the research for example, the respondent must use an antivirus, we will ask him to turn on screen sharing and demonstrate his antivirus. We will send such a video to you before the interview, so that you can familiarize yourself with the respondent in advance.
Do you take on the function of paying remuneration to respondents?Yes, we will arrange payment of remuneration to respondents. Payments are made to the participants on the card on the day of participation in the evening or to the mobile phone number at the end of the study. All respondents are warned in advance about the timing and methods of payment, and also submit their details for payment in advance.
How do you test respondents for professionalism?We maintain our own database of participants and a black list of respondents, check the respondents for the presence in the databases, and also specify during screening how many times and when the respondent took part before + what topic was the last survey on, In addition, we do not invite respondents who, with screening answers dryly or, on the contrary, are overly sociable.
Do you check respondents against the OIROM database?Unfortunately, we do not have access to the OIROM marketing agency database, but if you provide access to this database or can check it yourself, then we recruit for such projects.
Do you recruit respondents based on your client base?We do not recruit respondents according to the client base, since cold processing of the database, unfortunately, as practice shows, does not give a result or it is completely minimal, and the labor costs are high as a result, also such respondents are less responsible, they often refuse at the last moment, do not get in touch, etc. We have described in more detail in our article: https://clck.ru/SPqB9 We can recruit on the basis of the client, if it is possible in advance to send such respondents from the client's side of invitations to participate by email and send us the respondents who have already agreed, so they will be more loyal to participation. This is how we worked, for example, with Kaspersky Lab, and the result from such processing of the database is very good.
In what format and what information do you provide to the client about upcoming meetings?We create a google sign (status) in which we enter screening questions and respondents' answers to them. You will see the recruiting process in real time: Example status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ogh3Az0-vvzmsiqCP2sXHzr1fdoTJwvSy6Emk55-5Dw/edit?usp=drivesdk
How the work with the customer is organized

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