In marketing and sociological research, there is always a problem related to the quality of the recruited respondents. This is due to the fact that in many marketing companies the selection of respondents is carried out by freelance employees, who often sin in selecting respondents.
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In marketing and sociological research there is always a problem related to the quality of the recruited respondents. This is due to the fact that in many marketing companies, the selection of respondents is carried out by freelance employees, who often sin in selecting respondents.
If you need to conduct a research and you can do it on your own, then the question always remains where to get respondents who will meet the recruiting criteria?
After all, a marketing company will not provide you with this service, since it is interested in providing you with a complete turnkey research and will not undertake a separate and most time-consuming part of the research related to the recruiting of respondents. In addition to marketing companies, organizations that provide panel research have appeared, that is, they have a base of respondents, you contact them and tell them what you need for a research, as an example 10 respondents, they, in turn, recruit from their base and send you a large number of respondents that is three times the amount you need, then you will have to screen them, call and control their attendance for research, which will also complicate your work.
But time does not stand still and Agencies for the recruiting of respondents have appeared on the market, you turn to them for the respondents you need for research, they recruit, screen respondents themselves, call them, control their turnout for research, and in this case, it is not required to independently perform all the listed functions. These companies have firmly taken their niche, they perform the most labor-intensive process in marketing research related to recruiting respondents. Also, which is not unimportant, these companies specialize only in full-cycle recruiting, which means they will select for you your target audience, even the most difficult one, it can be: experts or respondents of the premium segment, etc. In addition, the agency will be responsible for full interaction with the respondent. It is interesting that in Western countries there are simply no companies that exclusively specialize in recruiting respondents, they all somehow provide related services, rental of premises, reports, analytics, etc., there are such companies in our market. Contacting them also increases the cost of recruiting services, as they need to recoup related services. The most interesting is the fact that respondent recruiting agencies are of interest to both small and large companies and is slowly becoming a kind of initial tendency not to contact marketing companies for a research, and if you have your own analyst or marketer, then conduct the research on your own by contacting at the same time, only for the selection of respondents to specialized agencies. As a result, you will receive a significant saving of monetary resources by an average of 8 -9 times, and you can use the money saved on the research into business development, this is extremely important in the current crisis situation in the country.
But until recently, the process of marketing research has evolved differently.
Previously, the target audience selection system was as follows:
the marketer contacted marketing companies that conducted turnkey research, that is, they selected respondents, interviewed them, compiled a report and analysis based on the results of the study, gave this report into the hands of the marketer, after which he could have information on the market and determine the strategy for further sales of the company's products ...
Now marketers do not need to contact marketing agencies, since there are agencies that will select the target audience for a marketer, and he himself will be able to interview it and draw up an analysis that will help him develop a strategy for promoting the organization, which allows him to optimize the budget. The selection of the target audience is now widespread in many studies, for example, in the method of usability testing.
Many successful companies have already paid attention to promising recruiting agencies in order to optimize the costs of marketing research and managed to recommend cooperation with these agencies to marketing departments.
Recruiting agencies are engaged in the selection of participants in marketing research, researches in which participants are both experts and ordinary consumers of goods and services.
Asking the question of how the professionalism of the recruiting agencies of respondents can be identified, the following points can be analyzed here.
1. Is the agency a member of any Russian Association of expert marketers, since if this agency is a member of the Russian Association, then it will value its reputation more and the slightest setbacks will become known to all colleagues, and this is quickly replicated in this Association, which will significantly undermine the reputation of this agency.
2. Does this agency have letterhead reviews from companies that cooperated with it. The fact is that now it has become a tendency to write reviews on websites, which, in turn, are not supported by anything, if this agency has a significant number of reviews on the company's letterhead, then this fact indicates that the companies are satisfied with the cooperation. There must be at least 10 official reviews.
3. Also, according to these reviews, you can call and clarify how the cooperation with this agency was with the company that left the review, whether they were satisfied with the quality of services, whether there was a prompt communication with the client and other aspects of your interest.
4. It will not be unimportant to look through the portfolio of this agency, to get acquainted with its experience in the selection of an elusive target audience. How diverse the recruiting projects were. This speaks of the experience in the selection of respondents from various fields of activity.
5. Does this agency have large customers because such companies usually pay more attention to the choice of a company that will participate in the selection of respondents for their needs. The presence of such clients in the agency's portfolio also speaks of its professional level.
6. It is also important whether the agency provides a full range of recruiting services for respondents. Namely, provides a recruit, screens respondents by phone, monitors the attendance of respondents to the survey, and organizes the payment of remuneration to respondents for participating in the survey. Since the performance of all the listed functions enshrines the agency's right to be called a full-cycle respondent recruiting agency, which includes full interaction with the respondent at all stages of the study, this is a rather laborious process in itself, and to perform all functions the company must have a staff of professionals in recruiting respondents and here the presence of one database of respondents will no longer help, as is the case with companies providing panel research.
7. Another equally important factor is the size of the agency's base of respondents and whether this agency uses the system of pre-recruiting respondents in shopping centers, in crowded places. This shows the possibilities of versatile recruitment of respondents that a full cycle respondent recruiting agency should have.
Here are the main criteria that a respondent recruiting agency must meet. Compliance with them guarantees the quality of the services provided, but no one has yet canceled radio effect, ask your colleagues if they have worked with this agency or if they know about the experience of this agency and its professionalism firsthand. After all, the market of marketing services is quite narrow and in professional circles information about poor quality services of a particular company is usually spread in an instant.
So, if you pay attention to this information when choosing a respondent recruiting agency, then at the exit you will find justified cash investments and high-quality services for selecting the target audience for your research. Indeed, with the help of faithful respondents, you, like no one else, will be able to own competitive information, which in turn will help you to work successfully in the market.