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Why quality recruiting is the key in selecting respondents

Or the frequent mistakes of a researcher. Top 3 mistakes.

The first mistake of a researcher is in the area of ​​an objective assessment of the price that you were offered for the selection of respondents. It is a mistake to make a request to various companies in order to find the cheapest cost for the selection. It is important to understand that when you submit a request to a company that you have not previously worked with, the employees will initially give you low rates in order to complete one project with a low budget, instead of the so-called "cooperation on future projects." In 90 percent of cases, after one or two projects the cost of services will increase, since no company can keep prices below market rates for a long time, in this case, the quality of the recruit suffers. The second mistake may lie in the selection of respondents that do not correspond to the quality of the study. You should always clarify whether you can be guaranteed a qualitatively selected respondent who really is a consumer of the products on which the research is being conducted. If there is a doubt do not hesitate to request a transcript of the screening interview. Rate how objective the reward is for the respondent. For example, as a consumer of luxury goods, would you agree to take part in a study where a reward of 1,500 rubles awaits you? Now, in the age of falling prices, this is very important in all spheres of activity, we must understand that the selection of respondents is not the sphere of foodstuffs where you can save on a product whose shelf life is approaching the end or the manufacturer makes a discount for a wholesale, this sphere is more subtle and the human factor plays a key role in it, since it implies work with living people. The third mistake that lies in wait for you is the loss of the image of a good specialist or the quality of the product that you represent. After all, working in the field of research, you build your career and it is very important what the quality of the projects you lead and the fate of the product you are working on will be. If you understand that the company you work for does not have the means to conduct a qualitative research, inform the management in advance about the results that the company will receive as an outcome and take care of your image in every possible way so that your professionalism is not associated with poor-quality research. Consider leaving a company that cares about the reputation in the market and does not conduct research with an initially unobjective budget. Over the years, each researcher adds up his portfolio of completed projects, and you probably don't want your work to be associated, for example, with a network of household appliances, in which you were responsible for the digital direction and which was subsequently closed.

Here are some more tips that can be used as a recruiting plan for respondents.

Everything is learned by the comparison, recruiting respondents in one company has one level of quality, recruiting respondents in another company can be radically different. However, the motto of any company striving for high-quality projects is not to take on a project if it cannot be implemented in a quality manner. Therefore, it is important to prioritize:

1. It is important for you to complete the project at any cost and if you put yourself in a certain framework, then you can not look at the quality.

2. You are a novice researcher and want to find quality respondents for your research, here, as a recommendation, it is better to ask your colleagues whom they could advise you as a performer or find a company through Google search that will recruit. It is important that this company has an advanced website on the Internet, this characterizes it as an active player in the market.

3. If you do not know what budget is objective for your research, you should roughly estimate the respondent's income level for his working day and multiply this amount by one and a half to two times, and at the end you will get an objective value for remuneration. As for recruiting, it usually amounts to at least 70 percent of the remuneration value, if the recruiting service also includes the payment of remuneration to respondents on the Agency's side. If the cost of recruiting is significantly lower, it will not be profitable for the company, since organizing remuneration for respondents is a laborious process, requires transfer or withdrawal of funds, and banks now tightly control the sources of funds receipt and withdrawal.


You have chosen a company or a performer who will recruit respondents for your research, ask yourself the following questions:

1. How quickly will they interact with me? No one denied that it is very convenient to interact with a correspondent, especially when your letters are promptly responded to.

2. Which manager will work with you, will it be the same employee or will it always be new? Agree, it is more convenient to work with the same performer who knows all the nuances of your projects.

3. How easy is it for you to be provided with a replacement respondent if you felt that he did not suit you? Of course, it's nice to be able to just write about it and get a positive prompt response.

4. Can you communicate or, if necessary, interact with the head of the company that carries out your selection? The more transparent this system is, the more comfortable escort of employees you will receive at the exit.

5. How does the company manifests itself in the service market? Does it occupy an active position, is it an active participant in any programs, does it provide interesting useful information, does it have an established reputation, work experience, accumulated clients? And most importantly, are they valid, since most companies often rotate the list of clients on a regular basis.

We have outlined some of the most common mistakes of a researcher and tried to give professional advice on improving the quality of recruiting and we are confident that by following them, you can get really high-quality research and increase the index of your importance as an expert in your company.

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