Difficulties of the project: Current clients of Alfa-Bank and potential clients. Sample of 15 respondents. Recruiting terms were: 5 working days. The complexity of the project was in recruiting Alfa-Bank clients with certain tariffs: Maximum-premium segment, Optimum-clients with above-average income, Comfort.
Age 20-45;
Method of carrying out: Usability testing.
M / F even distribution;
7 people potential clients of Alfa-Bank;
8 people are current clients of Alfa-Bank;
2 users served under the "Comfort" service package;
2 users served under the "Optimum" service package;
4 users served under the "Maximum" service package;
Job Descriptions:
Manager - all kinds of managers
Leaders are chiefs.
Seller / Consultant - all kinds of sellers and consultants
Handymen - drivers, nurses, foremen, workers, locksmiths, etc.