Target Audience: "Cat Owners" With a lot of complex quotas.
Sample: 24 respondents.
Difficulties of the project:
Half of the sample is male. Practice shows that women are mainly responsible for feeding and buying food for animals in the family.
Restriction by county of residence.
Respondents should be willing to participate in a long-term study - home visit + shopping trip.
Recruitment methodology: Own base of respondents, paid recommendations, paid advertising in social networks, the additional base of respondents. Since it was necessary to involve people from one district, the recommendations of the respondents to their acquaintances living in this district helped a lot.
Full description of the sample:
24 interviews.
Further according to the request:
Gender: 50% women, 50% men
Age 20-60 with approximately equal distribution of respondents by age groups:
20-32 years old, 32-45 years old and 45-60 years old,
Owners of healthy cats over 1 year old
Feeding type:
Regularly feeds with premium feed (every week) - 6 people.
Periodically feeds with premium food (1-3 times a quarter) - 6 people.
Does not feed this segment with feeds, but feeds other less premium ready-made feeds - 6 people.
Does not feed industrial cat food, considers them unnatural - 6 people.
It is necessary that they consider the naturalness of the food/nutrition of cats as an important factor in the choice when feeding, they themselves try to adhere to a healthy diet through natural products.
among women there should be representatives of different marital status
Respondents have not participated in the last 6 months in animal feed studies,
Respondents do not work in the following areas: Advertising / Public Relations (PR), Production / sale of feed / pet products, Marketing research / marketing, Journalism, Veterinary medicine or breeding of dogs or cats, Production / sale of food products, Shelter / food for animals
Premium food: Perfect Fit, Purina ONE, Cat Chow, Nature's Table, Happy Cat, Orijen, Acana, Grandorf Grandorf)
Less premium food: Whiskas, Felix, Kitekat, Friskies
Interviews will be conducted by 3 teams of interviewers of 3 people each.
Please take into account the wishes of the location of the respondents.
1 team - preference to get access to shops in the districts: Khamovniki - Ramenki - Dorogomilovo.
Team 2 - preference to get access to shops in the districts: Gagarinsky - Donskoy (TC Gagarinsky) - Academic.
3 команда – предпочтение получить доступ к магазинам в районах: Щукино – Team 3 - preference to get access to shops in the districts: Shchukino - University - Krylatskoye. 4-6 interviews per day for each group. The recruitment is needed as soon as possible. It is advisable to finish all interviews before 02/14/2020
Respondents will need to be ready to participate in interviews over the next two weeks, starting Thursday.
The leaders of the interviewers' groups themselves will contact the respondents and agree on a specific time and place (a store not far from the respondent's home).
When recruiting, ask respondents in which stores near home they buy food for their cat, how far from home they are. Pass this information to us along with the respondent's information.
The total interview time (without travel time from the store to home) should be at least 1 hour and 40 minutes.
A small recruitment clarification, but it won't affect the difficulty.
Respondents should be active participants in their cat's food choices and feeding.