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ADS and UTair

Utair Airlines project. Target audience: Respondents flying in business class at least three times a year. Sample: 15 respondents. Research cycle

Difficulties of the project:

  • Age limit of respondents

  • The number of business class flights must be at least 3 times a year.

  • The total number of flights is at least 5 per year for different purposes

Recruitment methodology: The recruiting of this complex target audience was carried out using our own base of respondents, a third-party base of respondents, and a snowball. Confirmations were requested from all respondents, as well as during the screening they were asked in detail about their experience of purchasing Business Class tickets, their price category and what influenced the choice. During the screening, even before the confirmation from the respondents, it was clear who really fits the target audience. The category of respondents is really difficult, but observing various recruiting methods and high-quality screening with additional. with questions, we managed to complete this project on time and we received good feedback on the work from the client. Full description of the sample:

  • Recruiting business class respondents at least three times a year.

  • Men and women 30-50 years old;

  • Income: average and above average;

  • All fly business class at least 3 times a year

  • All fly during the year by air for different purposes (vacation / travel / flights to visit relatives / other);

  • Everyone chooses the airline and flights themselves;

  • Everyone flies by air in Russia and abroad 5 times a year and more often;

  • They use the services of "Business Class" of the leading airlines of the Russian Federation for flights within Russia.

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